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Messages - GTXVette

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Club News / Re: Newsletter! responses
« on: February 28, 2018, 07:27:53 pm »
Did we not just have elections?   the last Shown in that title(Admin. Announcements).was 2015 and postings below that are even Older.  Not like it needs more current postings but like some one is keeping it in the Present. It could be moved to Club members at the Bottom.

Club News / Re: Newsletter! responses
« on: February 27, 2018, 08:12:27 am »
Admin. Announcements,  At least change the Date. someone seeing that as the Opining Page may think No ones Home. 2015 has been a minute.

Club Events / Re: February Club Meeting
« on: February 27, 2018, 06:48:16 am »
 ya'll Go Ahead then, Please Do Not Be Offended here,  I understand some Wives or even the Husbands of Women that are car Minded that are not Themselves Car People Might not want to Hang at a Garage all Afternoon, This Is a Car Club Not a Social Club, If someone doesn't want to Hang then go Shopping or something. I can Make 1 meeting a month most of the Time but Summer is Coming and that will Change Back and Forth. Being Retired A Week end is harder than a Week Day for me. I can only Guess what It must be like for those Way outside the Metro. When we can get a work day set Let me Know, you can tell me about the Meeting.  With what I See GTRS doing with the Newsletter I won't have to make the Meeting, All the suggestions he is working with sound Really Good so I hope he Finds Time to Run With it.

Club News / Re: Newsletter! responses
« on: February 26, 2018, 08:28:08 am »
It Is Ga.  Fiero means Fire.  long time tradition in the Atl. area to Combine that and call it "Phoenix"/ "The Phoenix"  A Friend Carter Tomossie( mis spelled) was a Photographer for the " Great Speckled Bird" an old 70's news paper in atl. See his Web page at Messy Optics .com Some Great Photos of Atl. late 60's early 70's .  Strayed there a bit but I like a combo of Birds/Fire/ Phoenix Rising

General Discussion / Re: Have you ever encountered someone with HSAM?
« on: February 26, 2018, 08:10:54 am »
And I thought I was Just Full of Useless Trivia!.

The Market / Re: fiero 2 M 4 for sale
« on: February 25, 2018, 06:45:52 am »
it could use a good Douche, no doubt. I wouldn't even ask him to lower the Price.

Club Events / Re: February Club Meeting
« on: February 24, 2018, 07:13:48 pm »
 If you all haven't Noticed I don't eat out. (I Do But That's Not in my Taste)  Those that don't Work on Cars can Get ready for the meeting(Committee), and I understand riding with others makes sitting around  tough. Is any Sinage needed for shows or anything to keep Idle hands busy, I guess I get Bored easy . I do understand

The Market / Re: fiero 2 M 4 for sale
« on: February 24, 2018, 09:46:03 am »
 Yes to All But the Nephew , That We didn't talk about. I like where his head is though, He has 55 Chevy's C-4 Corvettes MGB's MGB-GT! And other Toy's. Hurt Badly in a car Crash, Woman Head on'd him he was in a Vette,  Last name Perry and went up to the House

The Market / Re: fiero 2 M 4 for sale
« on: February 23, 2018, 02:12:33 pm »
The door I D was Bubbled up and the Bottom of the Glass Was Frosty with rusty Vin Plate, and again didn't get under the deck lid. I'll Get Back Some day.

The Market / Re: fiero 2 M 4 for sale
« on: February 23, 2018, 06:09:40 am »
 The screen covers were off but I couldn't see a Distrubuter, By the number of Spidey Webs Surrounding the Door when I opened it, I wasn't gonna reach in to Feel for One. But with Charlie's help It has to be an 86 /W 2 year only Gold Paint 86-7.  Don't know about Value , One for the Other, or as Parts, but it's all there now and "Ran When Parked".

The Market / fiero 2 M 4 for sale
« on: February 22, 2018, 04:20:46 pm »
 Out Hwy. 53 just before Fairmont is an 86 or 87 5 speed . not nice but not the worst It's Gold W/ Gold or Beige or what that Color was Called for the InSide But NOT Grey. Real Nice Guy, wants 500 no questions asked. Lol. If it's an 86 Mr. Weeks needs the Engine, Been Sitting 2 years Or a Minuite. Has the neat wheels. Let me know.

Club Events / Re: February Club Meeting
« on: February 21, 2018, 09:35:07 am »
I like the Idea of starting early at the Shop then Lunch, But why leave  ?  send someone out to grab food and stay at the Shop.
  Being that Mike allow's us the Shop His Cars (that Green Beauty) need to be at the Front of the repair list, And if we can get some guy's and Gal's in early working on a Couple could be accomplished.
  I Suggest,
 Right now we know a fuel tank and we have someone that know's the job , that is two to three Man at a time at the most and if Mike has a List Made others can Tackle that at the Same Time.
   No reason the Meeting can't be during a Lunch break. we spend more time at the resturant eating than Meeting

The Market / Re: 2.5l iron duke
« on: February 16, 2018, 05:29:07 pm »
 First thing to remember is they are also 30 years old, If you don't see it drive,  It's Junk,  No If's and's or But's.

The Market / Re: 2.5l iron duke
« on: February 16, 2018, 06:42:04 am »
that long block has to be in a bunch of different cars, It is more common that in an engine swap at a For Profit Garage is plannining on using all your external parts and sell you new stuff Too.  Point is look past Fiero's   WIKI that engine.

General Fiero Discussion / Re: 2017 FIERO /Grassroots Challenger
« on: February 15, 2018, 02:08:07 pm »
  Drove it out side today, the weather man Kinda Lied, Misty, everything is wet, by the time I got to the front of the House I Ran Out of Gas, the Slave isn't bled right having to shut it off to shift 1st to R, Grass Soaked, dirt is Soft No Traction in yard, Crap I threw a Tarp over Her and said 'Later'

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