Removed 85 ECM installed 86 ECM drove freeway speeds for 15 miles; the computer did adjust but it is not quite right yet (but probably for other reasons where I need to do the timing the old way with #1 TDC. and see where the mark is.) it seemed to bog down at highway speed during acceleration and either Back fired or fired forward. (a fluff sound near intake)
Successes - Studder sputter chugs are gone.
Issues - Got two codes with the 'borrowed' ECM 34 (MAP sensor) and now 54 (low power fuel Pump relay)
For CODE 34 - I bought a second MAP Sensor installed it :: Disconnected power for 20 seconds and restarted the Car. The code is still there so I went to drive it for a little bit the code is still there.
For CODE 54 - I think I am going to take the car to Advance and check the battery and ALT - it seems to be starting slow so the battery may be low and I wonder if it may be that the Alt isn't putting out enough power.
OK - so here is another question - If the engine in the 86SE was not a stock 2.8 could it be that the computer I am using is not a match?
how could I tell?
just a thought