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Messages - JohnWPB

Pages: [1]
The Market / Re: Stickers sets.
« on: October 05, 2024, 07:13:13 pm »
Sorry for reviving a dead thread, but thought this may be of use/need for someone"

For anyone needing stickers, I just did another run of them.  I have both jacking stickers.  One that is specific for 1984 Fieros, as well as the 1985-1988 Fieros.  They changed the physical jack, and the instructions sheet in 1985.

I painstakenly retyped every letter on all of the stickers.  Sounds simple, it is not!  They used a manual press back in the day to apply the lettering to the stickers.  The spacing of just about every word is different, and sometimes the letters in the same word are spaced differently. 

You can check out the stickers at www.FieroDecals.com

Expert Tech Advice / Re: Fiero Alignment Specifications
« on: November 21, 2014, 11:16:34 pm »
Thanks for the response.  I honestly do not understand it completely myself.  There definitely is a contradiction in there though.  I acquaint it to someone saying to price something between .50¢ and $1.50 and then go on to say that the ideal price is $.10¢ 

As I said, I do not understand it all, but that discrepancy is pretty clear when you look at it.

Expert Tech Advice / Re: Fiero Alignment Specifications
« on: November 21, 2014, 07:34:42 pm »
Reviving a pretty old thread here......

I can not seem to make sense of the chart above.  For my 86' GT, the chart shows the rear camber to have a range of "-1.5 ~ -0.5".  Right next to it, it says the desired setting is -0.1 degrees.  That puts it  -.04 degrees past the limit..... this makes no sense.  Bloozberry actually caught that in a thread that I started on PFF:  http://www.fiero.nl/forum/Forum2/HTML/134117.html

Was this re-typed, or a copy directly a GM TSB?

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