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Author Topic: Covid-19 Daily Status Report For Georgia  (Read 21252 times)

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Re: Covid-19 Daily Status Report For Georgia
« Reply #15 on: July 29, 2021, 04:39:09 pm »
It is an individual’s right to decide if to vaccinate or not. I encourage everyone to study and do what you think is right. But the vast majority of people don’t do that. They make uninformed decisions based upon what they want to believe and, unfortunately many of them pay a very high price for their choice. What few people do not realize is we all pay a price for their decisions. We pay emotionally when we see loved ones suffer and many, regrettably, die a slow death. We all pay when medical resources are diverted to care for the treatment of this preventable disease. We pay financially when we aren’t able to work because our hours are cut our lose our jobs because a business was forced to close.

If you won’t get vaccinated at least wear a mask when you go out. It won’t protect you but it will help protect the person next to you. I work in healthcare and am so tired of watching people die because they didn’t want to get vaccinated. Just today a 35 year old crashing and now on a ventilator.


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Re: Covid-19 Daily Status Report For Georgia
« Reply #16 on: July 29, 2021, 10:31:11 pm »
It is an individual’s right to decide if to vaccinate or not. I encourage everyone to study and do what you think is right. But the vast majority of people don’t do that.

And there's the rub. Do what you want. Or don't. But don't berate all the people who have taken actions that you consider "contrary".
My decision was not coerced. Nor was it reactionary. It was based upon a good deal of research, in addition to a LARGE number of first-person accounts and personal experience. So yeah. BAAAAAH!

All kidding aside, I agree with everything you posted. Every. Single. Point.