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Author Topic: Hello from new member  (Read 14776 times)

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Hello from new member
« on: July 20, 2015, 10:36:30 pm »
Hello, from upper East Tennessee.
I have been a fan of Fieros since 1988 when I bought my 1st one.  It was a black 2M4 I kept it till 1996 when the engine started to use more oil than gas  so I traded it in on a ne  Dodge neon for my wife.  I had an 84 for about a year in 91/92    Fast forwad to 2005 when I found a mint condition 87GT that had overhearing issues the owner could not figure out   He thought it had a bad head gasket,  It stayed cool driving on the interstate for hours and fine sitting in backed up traffic.
It only overheated when driving in town between 20-40 MPH    The guy and pit a new fan on it when the original fan died,  He had the overheating issues since then and thought it had screwed up the engine when it got hot when the fan died.    I tinkered with it for about 6 months till one day I popped the hood to get something I had in there.  While it as open the fan turned on.  At 1st I thought nothing about it but going down the road ithit me.   When the fac came on it did bot blow any air back like ot should.    I pulled into a parking lot and let it sit running till the fac came back on.   It was blowing backward blowing air fro under the hood to the front. SO going at normal town speeds the air coming in from the front was being counteracted when the fan came on.  There was no air moving through the radiator.  At closer inspection when he had installed the new fan he had cut the wires and spiced them back wrong.   A set of wire cutters, and black tape and 10 minutes work and it never hot hot again.

My next post will be about issues with my latest purchase an 86SE It looks good but I would to talk to the electrical genius that hacked the wures under the dash.  The guy I bought it from bought it to restore but his job transferred him to another state abd he had no room in his new home.  He had just got the title last week from when he bought it from a repo auction so I know he did not do it and he told.and showed me the wiring nightmare me of it before I bought it


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Re: Hello from new member
« Reply #1 on: July 20, 2015, 11:38:50 pm »
Jeff, welcome.  There are lots of good folks here that can either help you or direct you to where you can get help.  Hope you can get the Fiero going before RFTH, if not, your Corvettes are welcome.  The originator of the RFTH will be there and he often brings his 'Vette. 
There are three kinds of men:

1.    The ones that learn by reading.
2.    The few who learn by observation.
3.    The rest of them have to pee on the electric fence and find out for themselves.    Will Rogers


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Re: Hello from new member
« Reply #2 on: July 25, 2015, 05:36:46 pm »
Hello Jeff, Good to see another Fiero person here. Please join us for RFTH and come to our club meetings when you can. Ron
1985 2M6 SE, 1986 GT x 2.


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Re: Hello from new member
« Reply #3 on: July 25, 2015, 07:38:39 pm »
 8) Welcome to the madness Jeff!!

Don't worry about the electrical genius that hacked the wiring.
They all go to a special place sooner than later.
It's just a shame that they practically ruin a wonderful process on their trip.

p.s. Keep an eye on that electrical tape. It usually doesn't last very long in hot environments.

You can't fix stupid but, you can adjust it with a 2x4.