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Author Topic: Taste better  (Read 14661 times)

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Taste better
« on: January 25, 2013, 10:18:45 pm »

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Re: Taste better
« Reply #1 on: January 26, 2013, 07:35:22 am »
The 3107 is a product code for checkout at the register.  Over here, most produce departments carry several varieties of some fruits and vegetables.  Prices may differ from one variety to the other.  Onions, apples, oranges, peppers, tomatoes, etc.  So, they put a code number sticker on them so you don't walk out with a bunch of .98 per pound tomatoes and get charged .78 per pound.

As for the Product of USA, some folks here prefer American products.  Venezuela, Argentina, Peru and Brazil are large suppliers of produce sold in the US.  This just lets folks know where it came from, not only for supporting American products, but also for tracking products that may be contaminated in some manner.

When I was in Okinawa in the 60's, Dole had lots of farm land where they raised pineapple.  Since Okinawa is basically coral, it doesn't absorb water very well.  Very few of the homes have septic systems, but instead use a holding tank for their bathroom waste.  These tanks are regularly pumped as they reach capacity.  Where would you think this waste goes?  Some of the pumper trucks (Honey Wagons) took it out to the farms and sprayed it out across the pineapple fields. 

Any produce coming into the US must meet certain agricultural standards as to fertilizers, pesticides and other standards to try to assure it's safe for consumption.  Certainly don't want any Chinese Lead Oranges. 
« Last Edit: January 26, 2013, 08:44:24 am by Fierofool »
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2.    The few who learn by observation.
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