I hate to see any kind of discord with a club like this. What little I know about the The Ga Fiero Club is that it is a community of people with a passion for their cars and enjoying spending time together. They seem to love working on their cars, their friends' cars and helping anyone with anything Fiero related. Lets spend our time together, either in person or thousands of miles away, just learning, helping and having fun.
I was a member of a local car club, The Weekend Cruisers, that had been established for over 2o years. There were some internal conflicts and some of the older members passed on. Others just lost interest. The club disbanded. The Fiero community continues to experience natural attrition as our cars and us age. We need each other. Lets enjoy the time we have together.
Obviously I am a very new member and have attended one meeting only very briefly due to other commitments. As of now I have a very superficial view of the club but what I see I like very much. The members I met at Northlake Automotive were very welcoming, friendly and extremely talented. Trying to be realistic I hope to be able to attend two meetings a year. Round trip for me is over 1000 miles. I now try to plan my trips to Atlanta to visit my daughter on the 2nd Saturday of the month. Please don't tell her!