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Author Topic: For Members Only  (Read 15762 times)

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Re: For Members Only
« Reply #15 on: March 31, 2019, 08:03:33 pm »
 PK, the get help but give help statement doesn't apply to you.  I was referring to the 15-20 Fiero owners that are relatively close to us.  There are people all over the country that I've worked with for many years.  Some of them have joined the club.  Most haven't.  Glad to do it and don't expect them to come to meetings.  It would be nice for them to show up at a RFTH, though.  Some of them have helped me with problems I've had, and some of them are go-to people when I'm trying to find an answer for someone else. 

John has delved in and helped us, and he has helped me to help others.  He has a wealth of talent and he shares it. 
There are three kinds of men:

1.    The ones that learn by reading.
2.    The few who learn by observation.
3.    The rest of them have to pee on the electric fence and find out for themselves.    Will Rogers

GTRS Fiero

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Re: For Members Only
« Reply #16 on: March 31, 2019, 08:53:33 pm »
PK, they have low expectations of us.  With a bit of effort, we could attain them.

For GTXVette, the club needs people with talent.


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Re: For Members Only
« Reply #17 on: March 31, 2019, 10:01:21 pm »
I hate to see any kind of discord with a club like this. What little I know about the The Ga Fiero Club is that it is a community of people with a passion for their cars and enjoying spending time together. They seem to love working on their cars, their friends' cars and helping anyone with anything Fiero related. Lets spend our time together, either in person or thousands of miles away, just learning, helping and having fun.

I was a member of a local car club, The Weekend Cruisers, that had been established for over 2o years.  There were some internal conflicts and some of the older members passed on.  Others just lost interest.  The club disbanded. The Fiero community continues to experience natural attrition as our cars and us age. We need each other. Lets enjoy the time we have together.

Obviously I am a very new member and have attended one meeting only very briefly due to other commitments. As of now I have a very superficial view of the club but what I see I like very much. The members I met at Northlake Automotive were very welcoming, friendly and extremely talented. Trying to be realistic I hope to be able to attend two meetings a year. Round trip for me is over 1000 miles. I now try to plan my trips to Atlanta to visit my daughter on the 2nd Saturday of the month. Please don't tell her!

GTRS Fiero

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Re: For Members Only
« Reply #18 on: March 31, 2019, 10:26:25 pm »
You have me beat on distance.

It happens all over.  Just about any club I see is mostly made up of people who are retired.  Most events seem to be put on by retired people.  The thing is, the people who put on the events have been doing it for 50 years or more.  And I must admit that I benefit from a lot of events.  I attend barbershop events, but am not currently in a barbershop group.  I attend fish frys, but no longer help with the entertainment.  I attend festivals/carnivals, go on easter egg hunts, and attend picnics that I do not help staff or plan.

I would not clasify this as discord.  Adjustments are being made to adapt to the new club dynamics.  Think about the after-effects of Thanksgiving dinner.  Adjustments have to be made.