To look at that connector was a diagnostic tip I learned from Ashby Arnette. He told me he had encountered that problem more than once. It seems that when the connector is offered up to any of the GM connections that have a male pin, if not aligned very well, the male pin can push the female terminal back due to the weakening of the aged plastic. It allows the small barbs to cut into the plastic as the connector gets pushed. As we did with Roger's car, we removed the wire with the female connector, sprung them just a little and reinserted them. The WeatherPak style connectors seem to be the ones that commonly have this problem. Especially those that are often disconnected and reconnected.
The 88 Roger speaks of has had 2 owners since. The current owner was hit in the rear and ThaDriver repaired it and primed the car. It returned home where it's been sitting for at least a year. I spoke with David, the owner's Father, a few weeks ago and he says Jesse is overseas, I think. He's taken a job in Europe, as has his sister Nettie. Each are in different countries, I believe.