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Author Topic: Fiero Bushings Source  (Read 14404 times)

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Fiero Bushings Source
« on: April 22, 2016, 03:24:59 pm »
For the past few weeks, I've been working a little at a time to replace a rear swaybar that had been removed from my 86SE.  At one time, it had a larger sway bar added to the front and the front bar was moved to the rear.  Don Hulse did the work.  Apparently the car handled very well with the setup, done for John Jaworski.  Later Scott Dean had the car and never indicated any problems.

When I acquired the car, there was lots of handling problems.  Dangerously so.  In the process of trying to resolve the problem, suspension parts were replaced, starting at the front and gradually ending at the rear.  This included removing the rear sway bar.  Aside from all the bushings, ball joints and tie rod ends being shot, the final step of replacing the rear struts got the car under control. 

So, now, I've been slowly getting parts, like sway bar end link bushings and sway bar to body bushings from The Fiero Store.  Poly urethane made by ProThane.  The bar is now installed and I will do a writeup on installation in a week or two.  I still have a few issues to work out.

Today, I was a little curious about local or other sources of the bushings and how their costs compared to The Fiero Store.  I did a search for ProThane  (  http://www.prothanesuspensionparts.com  ) and found their website.  It had provisions to put in our Fiero information with year by year selection.  I was surprised to find that they also sell rubber bushings for anyone wanting to improve ride quality without the harsher reaction of poly.  They also make all of the body bushings including cradle, control arm and dog bone, and they have Moog ball joints, upper and lower, front and rear, and inner and outer tie rod ends, front and rear, and lots more.  Many items ship free and prices are competitive or lower than The Fiero Store.   

Check it out.
There are three kinds of men:

1.    The ones that learn by reading.
2.    The few who learn by observation.
3.    The rest of them have to pee on the electric fence and find out for themselves.    Will Rogers