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Author Topic: Additional 6 months  (Read 13848 times)

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  • The Duke of URL
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Additional 6 months
« on: November 19, 2018, 04:26:19 pm »
I read this online...
"A young man was being sentenced for Reckless Driving in a small town court. He stood before the judge, head cocked, looking bored. The judged sentenced him to 6 months in jail, to which the young man smirked and said: “Sh*t, I can do that standing on my head.” Without missing a beat, the judge replied: “And an additional six months to help you get back on your feet.” This was the first and last time I’ve seen a court clerk spit coffee at his desk."
The more complex the mind, the greater the need for the simplicity of play.


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Re: Additional 6 months
« Reply #1 on: November 19, 2018, 04:41:34 pm »
Another chuckle:

Here is a joke from a book containing early writings of Lewis Grizzard:  A Baptist minister and a Methodist minister lived near each other and the churches they served were near each other.  They would ride their bikes together on Sunday mornings to their respective churches.  One Sunday the Baptist minister noticed that the Methodist minister was walking. He asked the Methodist minister why he was walking.  "Where's your bicycle?" the Baptist minister asked. The Methodist minister replied, "I think one of my parishioners has stolen it." The Baptist minister suggested to the other minister that he preach the ten commandments that morning with a special emphasis on "thou shall not steal."  The Methodist ended doing that very same thing.  After the services at the churches, the Baptist minister asked the Methodist minister how it went for him during the sermon. "Pretty good," the Methodist minister said: "when I got to the verse about not committing adultery I remembered where I left my bicycle."

Depending upon the faith of the one you're telling this to, you may need to change denominations of the ministers, priests, or rabbis, or maybe even the mullah. 
There are three kinds of men:

1.    The ones that learn by reading.
2.    The few who learn by observation.
3.    The rest of them have to pee on the electric fence and find out for themselves.    Will Rogers