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Author Topic: Anyone need some "odd" gray headliner material?  (Read 14152 times)

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Anyone need some "odd" gray headliner material?
« on: February 15, 2017, 07:32:40 pm »
I just bought this from JoAnn fabrics a couple of days ago.
It was *supposed* to be dark gray. I thought it looked a little bit strange when I saw it, but then thought it was just my imagination.
When I got it home, it looks nothing like my older dark gray headliner material.
It's still gray. Sort of. But it has a "root beer" tint to it.

You can see the difference in the pic. I bought a yard and a half, but used some of it to line a glove box. Still have enough to do a headliner and probably a set of visors.
« Last Edit: February 15, 2017, 07:36:06 pm by Raydar »