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Author Topic: When is the best time to buy?  (Read 14716 times)

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GTRS Fiero

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Re: When is the best time to buy?
« Reply #15 on: July 09, 2019, 06:25:54 pm »

GTRS Fiero

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Re: When is the best time to buy?
« Reply #16 on: July 09, 2019, 06:28:29 pm »
I think Raydar's friend John and Scott have it right.  It seems that when tax time comes around, all the car dealers start offering 'deals' and my email is flooded with 'don't miss out on this bargain' sales.  They know that people who are suddenly flush with cash are less likely to spend it judiciously. 

I think it's best to wait for times like model change or end of year clearances if you're buying a new vehicle.  Wait until the seller is in need of selling.

I dislike buying when it's cold outside, because then it is always cold out when changine plates and fixing things for renewal.


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Re: When is the best time to buy?
« Reply #17 on: July 09, 2019, 10:42:47 pm »
IMHO, the best time to buy is when you are not in a hurry.
If you don't mind getting up and walking out, it can save you a ton.

GTRS Fiero

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Re: When is the best time to buy?
« Reply #18 on: July 09, 2019, 10:59:04 pm »
Agreed.  I have walked out of.many sales.

Years ago, I wanted to buy a particulat new car.  I was still in college, and was going to finance.  Knowing that most of the deprdciation comes as you drive the new car off the lot, I was not interested in losing money on that.  So, I told the dealer how much I was willing to pay, total, and how much for the monthly payment.  The dealer kept coming up with other numbers, so I left.  Later, the dealer called me, and claimed to have gotten  down to my numbers.  I stopped by.  They had lied, on the phone.  We continued this for about 2 weeks, until the dealer got down to my numbers, on the last day of the month.  Then, I used a lot of deals that were available (GM loyalty, GMAC earnings, manufacturer incentives, and a $1,000 rebate) to drop the price by another $10K.

I drove that car as a full-time courier for 14 months, and racked up some miles.  It got side-swiped on the highway by an inattentive teactor-trailer driver, who pushed me into the left guardrail.  I made the repairs myself.  I also backed into a low concrete pillar, putying a mark on the rear bumper.

Then I sold that car, for $3K more than I paid for it, and lived out of the country for a year.