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Author Topic: August 8 Georgia Fiero Club Meeting  (Read 15989 times)

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Re: August 8 Georgia Fiero Club Meeting
« Reply #30 on: August 06, 2020, 09:31:13 pm »

You are? I  can have coffee brewing as early as 5

Way too early. Save yourself the effort.
Like I told you, I don't do mornings - especially Saturday mornings - gracefully.

Probably more about 10 or so. But I can messaqe you when I leave. That will give you a solid hour and a half (seriously) to brew coffee, if you want.

EDIT - Charlie, I'll decide what I'm driving, on Saturday. If my A/C hasn't leaked down, I'll probably drive the fastback. Otherwise, I won't.
(We old, fat guys have got to have our A/C. Otherwise we tend to get cranky. Just sayin'...)
« Last Edit: August 06, 2020, 09:40:02 pm by Raydar »


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Re: August 8 Georgia Fiero Club Meeting
« Reply #31 on: August 07, 2020, 05:44:25 pm »
Not gonna make the meeting tomorrow. Too much work to do on my project before Road Atlanta in 2 weeks.

GTRS Fiero

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Re: August 8 Georgia Fiero Club Meeting
« Reply #32 on: August 07, 2020, 05:46:08 pm »
That's sad.  How is your Fiero coming along?


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Re: August 8 Georgia Fiero Club Meeting
« Reply #33 on: August 07, 2020, 06:13:26 pm »
Very close to ready (it will never be finished).

It has 4 heat cycles on the motor/cooling system and about 15 miles on the car which was one trip to the alignment center to try and get a baseline setting for the suspension. 3 hours on the lift and we made progress but I had to remove and modify the control arm several more times this week to hopefully get close to track settings (using my home gauges to monitor progress). Back to the alignment shop next week to see if I'm in the ballpark.

On the test ride I was data logging and reviewed the results after getting home. Temperature and oil pressure was in range, transmission was a little tight (new rebuild) and I will bleed the clutch again and the brakes are awesome. I was riding in an absolute downpour and between lights, wipers, cooling fan and electric water pump I saw from the data that the alternator was struggling so I'm changing it out for a higher capacity model.

I had a minor leak on one of my cooling tube couplings and a couple drips of transmission oil around one of the axle shafts. the seals are new so I'm just going to monitor that before acting on it.

Hoping to put 3-500 miles on the car in the next few weeks to break it in a little bit before Road Atlanta and fingers crossed, nothing major will pop up.

If someone can tell me how to link pictures from my google account to my posts I'll post up some progress pictures just don't pick on my driveway paint job.


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Re: August 8 Georgia Fiero Club Meeting
« Reply #34 on: August 08, 2020, 09:57:46 am »
I'll be there.
I have some parts for scottb and a few other items for members.
« Last Edit: August 08, 2020, 10:00:00 am by Roger »
You can't fix stupid but, you can adjust it with a 2x4.


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Re: August 8 Georgia Fiero Club Meeting
« Reply #35 on: August 08, 2020, 07:18:04 pm »
I'll be there.
I have some parts for scottb and a few other items for members.

Thank you Roger

GTRS Fiero

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Re: August 8 Georgia Fiero Club Meeting
« Reply #36 on: August 20, 2020, 08:06:59 pm »
Very close to ready (it will never be finished).

It has 4 heat cycles on the motor/cooling system and about 15 miles on the car which was one trip to the alignment center to try and get a baseline setting for the suspension. 3 hours on the lift and we made progress but I had to remove and modify the control arm several more times this week to hopefully get close to track settings (using my home gauges to monitor progress). Back to the alignment shop next week to see if I'm in the ballpark.

On the test ride I was data logging and reviewed the results after getting home. Temperature and oil pressure was in range, transmission was a little tight (new rebuild) and I will bleed the clutch again and the brakes are awesome. I was riding in an absolute downpour and between lights, wipers, cooling fan and electric water pump I saw from the data that the alternator was struggling so I'm changing it out for a higher capacity model.

I had a minor leak on one of my cooling tube couplings and a couple drips of transmission oil around one of the axle shafts. the seals are new so I'm just going to monitor that before acting on it.

Hoping to put 3-500 miles on the car in the next few weeks to break it in a little bit before Road Atlanta and fingers crossed, nothing major will pop up.

If someone can tell me how to link pictures from my google account to my posts I'll post up some progress pictures just don't pick on my driveway paint job.

How is progress?


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Re: August 8 Georgia Fiero Club Meeting
« Reply #37 on: August 20, 2020, 09:09:24 pm »
GTRS Fiero "How is progress?"

New alternator installed and suspension mods done. 43 miles on the car but it's back on the ramps this week due to cooling issues. Based on the data logs, it builds temperature up to 230 then the fan kicks in and it drops to 200 and cycles between those two points. The cooling system has an electric water pump and 3 row aluminum radiator but I found a few areas for improvement.

1)  The inlet hose to the waterpump was non reinforced silicone and was showing signs of collapsing under suction. Replaced with wire reinforced hose.

2) The overflow tank was undersized and there was a small air leak in the overflow tubing so I think I was introducing air into the system on cool down. Doubled the overflow tank and resized the tubing.

3) A bunch of articles I read on air flow made me think the radiator was not getting clean or consistent air flow as there was no ducting on the car whatsoever. Spent the last couple of days trimming fiberglass and fabricating a sealed duct for the radiator inlet at the leading edge of the car. Lot of fun avoiding the rather large metal cross member in front of the radiator. Also, enlarged the exhaust vents in the hood. I should be able to get tons of clean cold air through the radiator now and from what I've read proper ducting can lower temps by 25-35 degrees so I have my fingers crossed.

Waiting on a small fitting to finish the overflow tank then it's back to testing.

Scheduled for Road Atlanta on September 12 (I'm gonna miss the September meeting) and 13 if testing goes well.

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Re: August 8 Georgia Fiero Club Meeting
« Reply #38 on: August 20, 2020, 09:13:22 pm »
Great!  I'd love to see a thread on your Fiero.