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Author Topic: COVID-19  (Read 13856 times)

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GTRS Fiero

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« on: March 20, 2020, 04:25:01 pm »
Last night, I was tasked by a group with which I'm associated to draft a statement on COVID-19.  My instructions were to create something down to earth, understandable, actionable, and reasonable.  What follows is the final version of that draft, as I submitted it to the county executive and several other officials.  This draft is mine.  Any version released after review by the other groups will have been edited by lawyers, health professionals, and every Tom, Dick, and Harry up the chain.

Health officials have declared COVID-19 a pandemic.   Due to the infectious nature of COVID-19, and the lack of an effective treatment, the board has postponed or cancelled scheduled imminent club events and activities.
To help curtail the spread of COVID-19, please do the following:
1.  Do not spread COVID-19.  If you have been exposed to, have tested positive for, or are symptomatic of COVID-19, please do not attend club activities or events; rather, contact your local department of health.
2.  Limit discretionary travel.  If you must travel, please check the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) website (cdc.gov) for travel guidelines and the latest updates on areas with confirmed cases of COVID-19.  If you are traveling to an area where the virus is present, or are unsure whether or not it is present at your travel destination, please contact your local county’s department of health for further instruction.
3.  Continue to participate on the forum.
4.  Check on the elderly in the community, who are among the most vulnerable.  Make sure that they have access to food.
5.  Use an alcohol-based (60% or more) sanitizer to disinfect hands and all common surfaces.  Germs can survive on surfaces for 24 or more hours.  Good hygiene is critical in prevention.
6.  Avoid physical contact with other people.  Keep your distance--particularly from people who are coughing.  Be sure to make eye contact with people, and to greet them.
7.  Practice proper cough-and-sneeze etiquette (guidelines are available on the CDC website at cdc.gov).
8.  Keep the personal touch by calling or sending e-cards for anniversaries, birthdays, etc.  It is critical that we continue to maintain emotional contact with others at this time.  This will ensure that we do not lose contact with others.
9.  Do something that makes you laugh.  Look at old pictures, watch a funny movie, or play a game.  This will help your emotional well-being.
10.  Continue to do things that are normal.  Eat at regular times.  Exercise.  Do your chores.  This will help your physical well-being.
11.  Limit your intake of the news.  Once or twice a day is plenty.
12.  Work with your hands.  Work on your cars, work on your house, or do projects.  This is for your mental well-being.
13.  Keep children active.  Have them help plan future activities and events.  Play simple games (board games, card games, etc.).  Discuss trips to other places.  Do some bird watching.  Doing these things will help maintain closeness and give hope for the future.  This is critical for children.  Be open to and available to answer questions.  Children need to feel that they can ask questions.  They must feel safe in the present and confident in a future.  This will help their immune system, as well as inhibit infection by modeling your behavior and hygiene practices.
14.  When possible, look up at the stars.   This puts problems in perspective.
15.  Catch up on your reading.  Choose novels, magazines, or periodicals not related to the current situation.
16.  Replace your home air filters.  Don’t skimp; get the high-quality air filters.  Clean the vents.  This will reduce allergens and other causes of respiratory issues, ensuring that your immune system is as robust as possible.
17.  Do your Spring cleaning.  Be thorough.  Get all the dust bunnies.
18.  Change your entire outfit when coming in from a public setting.  Wash your clothes.  Take a hot shower.  Sanitize your footwear and coat.
19.  Avoid handling cash.  Cash is notoriously a carrier for infection.
20.  Avoid smoking of any type.  COVID-19 is a respiratory virus.  Smoke inhalation inhibits your respiratory system, making you more susceptible to respiratory issues.
The latest updates on the coronavirus (COVID-19) as well as all preventative measures can be found on cdc.gov.
Thank you for you cooperation in reducing the spread of COVID-19.

GTRS Fiero

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Re: COVID-19
« Reply #1 on: December 19, 2020, 11:06:22 am »
Laughter, the best medicine.

GTRS Fiero

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Re: COVID-19
« Reply #2 on: December 19, 2020, 11:06:46 am »