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Author Topic: I need some help with my 87 brakes  (Read 14959 times)

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I need some help with my 87 brakes
« on: July 18, 2010, 02:14:00 pm »
Maybe I'm just an idiot, but I cannot figure out how to install this inner brake pad retaining clip on my rear caliper. I feel like it should be pretty easy, but I guess I'm just missing something. I've referred to the hayne's service manual but that doesn't explain it very well. Can anyone explain this installation process to me please?

Rat Pee 86

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Re: I need some help with my 87 brakes
« Reply #1 on: July 18, 2010, 04:27:00 pm »
You are not an idiot, GM just makes you feel that way sometimes (all of us, pretty much).  You need a special tool to release the pad retaining clip on the rear brakes.  This months issue of PONTIAC ENTHUSIAST magazine has an article on exactly what you need to know, pictures and evrything. Also, if you go to Pennock's Fiero Forum (link from our site), you will probably find out what you need there.  Hope this helps.

Tom Ott
Rat Pee 86