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Author Topic: If he was dead the day before , who did the shootings  (Read 14850 times)

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If he was dead the day before , who did the shootings
« on: January 25, 2013, 07:57:26 pm »
Another horrifying contradiction to the official version of the Sandy Hook school shootings surfaced this week with the advent of a conflicting death record showing the alleged shooter officially dying a day earlier than the shooting event itself.

The mainstream media is either the most incompetent it's ever been and has mistakenly overlooked almost every detail of every mass shooting that has occurred in the US over the past six months, or is purposely leaving out details that would ultimately change the face of the events and how they appear to the public.

View slideshow: Multiple online events spark serious Sandy Hook questions 2
The real problem though is that literally none of what the media initially reported about the shootings was accurate and, unfortunately, almost nothing they've reported since has been verifiable either. The mainstream media's version of the events is contradicted by the evidence on almost every level and so many conflicting stories have been reported by different news outlets around the country, little of which has turned out to be true, they can all no longer be seen as worthy of relaying reliable news. Except for a rare, select few.

The official version of the Sandy Hook school shootings was already questionable enough, without the emergence of the alleged shooter's death record showing he died the day prior to the shootings!
Photo credit:  The Conspiracy Examiner
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Re: If he was dead the day before , who did the shootings
« Reply #1 on: January 25, 2013, 11:17:51 pm »
....thanks to a vastly improving and increasingly credible


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Re: If he was dead the day before , who did the shootings
« Reply #2 on: January 29, 2013, 09:33:53 pm »
You start digging into this stuff and its pretty darn scarey. Not saying its all a true conspiracy, but there is enough to give you pause...  heard about a theature shooting that was stopped by a woman and her side arm.  Funny how a gun being used correctly to save the masses somehow misses the news, but when ever there is a chance to report a misuse then time to spread the word.  Get America behind the "scarey gun ban"! 


Use the "assalt weapon" phrase and pretent to compromise so our guard is down and we let them weasle their way in.  Give them time and they will be busting in doors and stealing our guns from us! 

Well I have seen first hand how the cops are seemingly more and more scared to even do their own jobs.  Take the break in at my house.  The alarm company called and asked if I wanted to send the cops.  I said yes.  I called Mom to tell her.  I was worried about the pets and the alarm blaring.  Then the neighbor called to tell me one of my dogs was in the driveway and the other at the open font door.  I got a call from the cops.  They asked if it was a break in cause the front door was open with no sign of forced entry.  Well the dogs did not open it... well we cant go in till someone goes in first and secures the dogs.  Mom is on the way.  So Mom arrives and they send her with her walker into the house to subdue and restrain the dogs and see if there was really a break in.  Well the back glass door was demolished and the screen door to the porch torn.  A quick sweep around the house would have easily shown that it was a break in.  They never even walked the perimeter.  Nice.  My near crippled mother was sent into an obviously broken into residence first.... unbelievable.

So no, I will not give up my rights to own any gun of my choosing.  I dont care how you want to class it, or how many fingers you want to point at it being the guns fault.  But no it would not surprise me at all to find out that these "events" have been orchestrated to make america more compliant to gun control measures. 
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