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Author Topic: My Odds and Ends Post  (Read 55580 times)

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Re: My Odds and Ends Post
« Reply #105 on: October 27, 2009, 09:48:16 pm »


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Re: My Odds and Ends Post
« Reply #106 on: October 27, 2009, 10:27:53 pm »
I'm going ta have to move to Georgia. All my friends are down there. Maybe when I get rich I can take a weeks vacation down there and just visit everybody.
Robert Finley
President-East Tennessee Fiero Club
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Re: My Odds and Ends Post
« Reply #107 on: October 27, 2009, 11:10:24 pm »
That would be nice, and if you got bored I know where there is an 85GT that needs putting back together, ha ha 8)

Tha Driver

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Re: My Odds and Ends Post
« Reply #108 on: October 28, 2009, 03:48:47 am »
I'm going ta have to move to Georgia. All my friends are down there. Maybe when I get rich I can take a weeks vacation down there and just visit everybody.
You don't want to move to Georgia. Ga. is so full of crap it's unbelievable. Case in point: A friend recently sold a car & canceled the insurance. Of course he got insurance on his newer car. Got stopped, & arrested for driving on a suspended license. Taken to JAIL & his car IMPOUNDED - EVEN WITH PROOF OF INSURANCE! Why? Because when you cancel your insurance on ANY car, your license AUTOMATICALLY gets SUSPENDED!!! It doesn't matter if you sold the car, parted it out, or quit driving it. ANY time you cancel insurance on ANY car, you HAVE to go down to the DMV & PROVE to them that you have insurance on the new car. It doesn't matter if you have TEN cars insured, you STILL have to PROVE to them that you no longer own the car you canceled insurance on!
This is only ONE example of the archaic laws on the Ga. books!
~ Paul
aka "Tha Driver"

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Re: My Odds and Ends Post
« Reply #109 on: October 28, 2009, 09:04:48 am »
Well I agree the government sucks with all their rules and regulations. But....but....but...I can still drive down and visit. ;D
Robert Finley
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Re: My Odds and Ends Post
« Reply #110 on: October 28, 2009, 09:08:58 am »
I just spoke with the Tag Office and asked them if this was true.  They said it isn't true.  If the man was arrested for having a suspended license, it wasn't because he sold a car.  If his license was suspended, then his plates and insurance should have been suspended, since you can't insure a car without a license and/or plates.

They said that if he had sold a car, canceled the insurance on it, the insurance company notifies the state that the insurance has been canceled.  Now, if he kept the tag and didn't turn in the tag, after a while the state sends out a letter notifying the owner that he has a registered but uninsured vehicle and that he must pay a $25 fee and provide immediate proof of insurance.  If it's ignored, a second notice is sent and the fee is now $55.  If that notice is ignored, then a 3rd letter is sent and the fee is $85.  If the third notice is ignored, then the Public Safety Department suspends the license.  This process can take as much as 2 years to complete and isn't done immediately upon cancellation of insurance.  They also said that if his license was suspended, he would have received a request in the mail to surrender his license.  

There is no automatic suspension of your drivers license if you cancel insurance on one of your cars.  One of my brothers used to use this to his advantage.  He would obtain insurance on a car, register it, then cancel the insurance a month later and he'd drive it until time to renew the registration because the process is so slow.  

Did he possibly transfer the plate from the car he sold over to another car without notifying the insurance company?  
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Tha Driver

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Re: My Odds and Ends Post
« Reply #111 on: October 28, 2009, 01:09:33 pm »
Tell that to the state bureaucrats & the cops that arrested him. The problem is, that they don't bother to send out any notices even if they are SUPPOSED to; they just suspend your license. They set the law up that way for the very reason you mentioned, the folks that would cancel their insurance after they got their tags. It's required that the insurance co. give notice to the state ANY time ins. is canceled, EVEN IF YOU HAVE INSURANCE ON ANOTHER VEHICLE.
Also, if you're not in their (state) database when you're stopped, you GO TO JAIL. It doesn't matter if you have insurance (& proof of) & license, if either the state or the insurance co. makes a mistake & you're not in their database, you GO TO JAIL and your car is IMPOUNDED!
BTW, what if you sell your ONLY car & are driving your wife's car? YOUR LICENSE IS SUSPENDED!!! Never MIND that it's insured & perfectly legal for you to drive it, YOU HAVE TO SHOW PROOF OF INSURANCE TO GET YOUR LICENSE BACK - EVEN IF YOU DON"T OWN A CAR!!!! They set up the insurance cartel so that you HAVE to insure EVERY car, then SUSPEND your license if you sell one & are driving an INSURED vehicle.
Believe me, I've been through ALL of this (each of these scenarios) before, having had the website screwedbyinsurance.com up for 4 years (as well as personal & 2nd person experiences). I have over a thousand stories that folks posted of how the insurance cartel screwed them over! I need to get that site back up...
~ Paul
aka "Tha Driver"

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Re: My Odds and Ends Post
« Reply #112 on: October 28, 2009, 01:33:53 pm »
All you have to do is cancel your registration before you cancel your insurance to avoid any problems. In Gwinnett county, you can cancel your registration by email or fax, and they give you the form to fax in online. You don't even have to leave your house.
From the Gwinnett Co. website: "It is advised that you cancel your registration before you cancel your insurance policy."
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Re: My Odds and Ends Post
« Reply #113 on: October 28, 2009, 02:26:38 pm »
And they don't suspend your license because you cancel your insurance.  The prerequisite for getting insurance is that you have a valid drivers license.   My brother that lives with me sold his Fiero, cancelled his insurance, and he still has his license.  He can still legally drive a car.  The only catch is that if he should have an accident that is his fault, it's charged to the owner of the car he was driving.  If your license were to be suspended due to no insurance, it isn't done immediately.  As I stated above, it sometimes takes years to get to that point.

The insurance companies are required to report within 1 business day to the state database of any cancellation or initiation of insurance on an automobile.  There are a few fly-by-night or very small insurance companies that may not do this immediately, but the major companies are automatically linked to the database so that when they issue insurance coverage, it goes into the database at the same time.  This information came from my Allstate agent just about an hour ago.  Today, you don't even have to carry your proof of insurance card on you because the police officer can check your coverage on the spot.  The information gets into the system so fast that there's no lapse of time that the system may show that you're not covererd.  The fine for not having proof of insurance is $25 and a court appearance.  According to my agent, the only time anyone should receive that citation is when the computer reports that you don't have coverage or the police officer is just being hard-nosed and is enforcing an old law that requires you to carry proof.  He may know that you have insurance, but still writes the citation.  $25 and court costs for the jurisdiction. 
There are three kinds of men:

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Tha Driver

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Re: My Odds and Ends Post
« Reply #114 on: October 28, 2009, 04:48:51 pm »
And they don't suspend your license because you cancel your insurance.  The prerequisite for getting insurance is that you have a valid drivers license.   My brother that lives with me sold his Fiero, cancelled his insurance, and he still has his license.  He can still legally drive a car.  The only catch is that if he should have an accident that is his fault, it's charged to the owner of the car he was driving.  If your license were to be suspended due to no insurance, it isn't done immediately.  As I stated above, it sometimes takes years to get to that point.

The insurance companies are required to report within 1 business day to the state database of any cancellation or initiation of insurance on an automobile.  There are a few fly-by-night or very small insurance companies that may not do this immediately, but the major companies are automatically linked to the database so that when they issue insurance coverage, it goes into the database at the same time.  This information came from my Allstate agent just about an hour ago.  Today, you don't even have to carry your proof of insurance card on you because the police officer can check your coverage on the spot.  The information gets into the system so fast that there's no lapse of time that the system may show that you're not covererd.  The fine for not having proof of insurance is $25 and a court appearance.  According to my agent, the only time anyone should receive that citation is when the computer reports that you don't have coverage or the police officer is just being hard-nosed and is enforcing an old law that requires you to carry proof.  He may know that you have insurance, but still writes the citation.  $25 and court costs for the jurisdiction. 
Tell all that to guy who just went to jail for driving on a suspended license - WHEN HIS ONLY "INFRACTION" was canceling the insurance on a car he had sold - a couple months ago. Also tell it to the state, & the cops that took him to jail.
You can't believe a DAMN thing your ins. agent tells you (although they're right about reporting everything. Proof of that is my personal experience & the stories on my website.
And yes, they CAN take you to jail if they want for not having proof, even if it shows in their database that you have insurance. Cops are like that, you know...  >:(
~ Paul
aka "Tha Driver"


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Re: My Odds and Ends Post
« Reply #115 on: October 28, 2009, 06:08:40 pm »
I'm not disputing whether he was arrested for a suspended license, or not, but I would bet there's some part of the story that we don't know.  What was the jurisdiction? 
There are three kinds of men:

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Re: My Odds and Ends Post
« Reply #116 on: October 28, 2009, 10:43:07 pm »
Dang Charlie, your about to catch me....

RobsFieros  7d 13h 1m
Fierofool  6d 15h 39m
Robert Finley
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Re: My Odds and Ends Post
« Reply #117 on: October 29, 2009, 12:23:50 am »
I'm not disputing whether he was arrested for a suspended license, or not, but I would bet there's some part of the story that we don't know.  What was the jurisdiction? 
The DMV told him his license was suspended because he dropped the insurance on his car (the one he sold).
Besides, what if you just can't afford the insurance so you drop it & park the car. It will be then illegal for you to drive someone else's car 'cause they will suspend your license. I'll NEVER move back to Ga. permanently (even if I stay here a lot).
~ Paul
aka "Tha Driver"

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Re: My Odds and Ends Post
« Reply #118 on: October 29, 2009, 08:11:16 am »
i dropped the the insurance on my fiero and parked because I can't afford insurance,  and a new battery right now. I got pulled over last week in my brother's car for speeding. the cop had problem with it, and no problem writing a ticket. although i do with 2 other vehicles with insurance. his policy covers me as long as I have permission for him


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Re: My Odds and Ends Post
« Reply #119 on: October 29, 2009, 09:37:57 am »
Turn up your volumn and laugh your gust out...
Robert Finley
President-East Tennessee Fiero Club
Member- Georgia Fiero Club