So, the February meeting is as scheduled at The Galaxy Diner on the 14th.
The BBQ Run is the next day, Sunday the 15th and we will be going to Heavy's BBQ on Hwy 22 near Crawfordville, Ga. It's Exit 148 off I-20 East. We will turn South on Hwy 22 for maybe a mile to Heavy's BBQ on the right.
Don says he's coming out to my house and riding with me. Scott says he's coming down this way and joining up. Pat, want to come out this way and we can meet you at Chico's on Hwy 316 and cruise down together. Ron R., would you want to come out here or meet us on I-20 at Exit 98 near Covington? Randy said he was traveling down I-20, so Ron R. you might want to connect with him and we can hook up with the two of you in Covington.
Once I know who is coming and where we're meeting up, I can plan our hook-up and travel times so we all arrive there at the same time.