Hey guys . The old fart is back in town !
We've been real busy the last three months buying / selling and moving to our new place.
so haven't had much time for anything actually and have had alot of company.
We did make the Cruise-In at Madison a couple of months back. Finally got the car to where it was drivable
so decided to make the Cruise at the DQ in commerce Saturday. Good to see Charlie and Pat !
By the way , I think the Free Beer thing was Charlie's idea.
My idea would be to show up at some of the local Cruise-In's as a group and get the attention we deserve.
You don't have to have "Show Quality" cars to come hang out at a local Cruise-In. Just Show Up !
You'll get a whule lot more attention at a car show/cruise-in than just hanging out at a Dairy Queen by yourself.
Anyway , was fun hanging out with the guys til the rain came. Hopefully will see everyone soon.