Meeting Minutes, July 14, 2018
Called Meeting of Board of Directors.
New Business: Selection of Secretary/Treasurer to fill vacancy of Linda Swayne.
Members present: Michael MacDonnel, Dewey Reader, Roger Newton. Vote by proxy—Scott Brown
Michael MacDonnel indicated Charles Sewell had offered to fill the vacant position. Vote was taken with all present members voting in the affirmative.
President Dave Tyrrell requested authorization to donate $300 to the Juvenile Arthritis Foundation in memory of Linda Swayne. Board voted unanimously to approve.
Club Business Meeting:
Members present: Dewey Reeder, Pat Swayne, Jason, Jim, John Pero, Dave Tyrrell, Michael MacDonnel, Roger Newton, Bob DeSlyper, Charles Sewell. At least 3 members reported last minute schedule changes that prevented them from attending.
First, we’d like to welcome new member Budgetman72 (Jason) and his beautiful 85GT to their first meeting and new attendee, Jim (sorry, I didn’t catch the last name) and his beautiful 88 GT slick tail.
New Secretary/Treasurer Charles Sewell reported the current online bank account indicates a balance of $1980.25. The Vice President indicates there is a pending credit transfer of several hundred dollars that is not shown in the current balance.
Agenda Items:
Donation to Juvenile Arthritis Foundation in memory of Linda Swayne.
A request was made to the Board of Director
Club owned Fieros.
It was discussed that we need to set a price for the Formula Fastback. A price of $2300 was decided upon. Vehicle needs tires, slave cylinder and rear end link bushings. Possible repairs to the AC system.
It was discussed that we need to set a price for the 3800 Formula. A price of at least $3000 will be considered when the car is streetable. At the present time, ECM issues need to be identified. The car will need tires.
Run For The Hills # 23
A person is needed to contact vendors for raffle item donations, preferably gift certificates. It was suggested that the vendors we promote in our monthly newsletters be the focus of our efforts. It was presented that gift certificates are easier to transport to our event than possible large automobile parts.
Club T-Shirts
Run For The Hills #23 T-shirts are available at a cost of $23 each in adult sizes through XLarge. Add $1 for each additional larger size through 3XLarge. A small additional charge applies if the shirts must be mailed.
Georgia Fiero Member T-shirts and the colors available will be in our Club Merchandise section soon. Member shirts are the same price as the Run For The Hills shirts. Some colors will require an additional white background behind the image to prevent color change of the image. These shirts will be priced at $28 and additional postage for any shirt that must be mailed.
Other Business:
John Pero urged club members to attend the car show at Riverstone in Canton, Ga., on the 3rd Saturday of each month. Check out time and location in the Club Events section of our Message Board. Coffee and Donuts afterward at Larry's.
John Pero also suggested that Administrators at Grassroots Motorsports be given personal invitations to attend Run For The Hills #23.
Charles Sewell urged club members to give of their time to help Michael MacDonnel get AeroDonamic up and running. Michael is available any Saturday and will open his shop to us as he has on most Saturdays. Persons having time through the week are also invited to drop in and do what you can do.
Having no other business, the meeting was adjourned and some members retired to Northlake Automotive to sort out issues with the AC system on Bob Deslyper’s 87GT