I've checked this one out pretty good. It's paved. Not up on the mountains like the other one, but it has lots of lefts and rights that can be taken at some reasonable speed. If it turns out to not be suitable, we may have to do some continued scouting on the same day. Not sure I can afford to go back a third time.
We need more people to go along as backup support on the route. Just having 2 people, or 1 if something happens that one of us can't make the final run could throw things in big disarray. Even though I laid out the original, you see how many times we had to backtrack to get us back on the right track.
Hopefully, I've made the revised route sheet clearer, but I've noticed that many people don't even look at the route sheet and just follow the car ahead of them. One of the things that is going to be confusing is that we are off and on Hwy US 19 and NC 226 and 226A so many times, and the screwy signs like US 19E North or US 19E South.