Well, the alternate belt routing is not going to work, some tolerances are too close. So I'm going with a delete pulley and standard routing. Besides, I decided that the mounting points for the power steering pump are not a good place to put a support bracket. Instead, I came up with this:
Half a dog bone is better than none. The front dog bones are still attached, so this thing will not have to bear all of the engine's torque. I can't run the engine very much without a belt, but it does seem to quieten the cabin noise some. And that's the main goal.
This was cut from a Rodney Dickman duke dog bone that used to be on my yellow car. I had replaced it with one of Rodney's rubber dog bones a while back. Gear bounce seems to be better with the Rodney's rubber dog bone, which is softer than poly, but harder than stock rubber.