The large engine and transmission fit so tightly in the cradle that I figured it would be easier to separate the transmission from the engine by lifting them off the cradle and setting them on a smooth board
This actually worked out very well, except for one problem. When I lifted the transmission with my cherry picker to set it on the creeper as you can see in the picture below, it tilted and smelly burnt trans oil spilled out, and I had a mess to clean up.
I still have to take a number of things off the old transmission and transfer them to the "new" one. For example, the dipstick tube that you can see part of in the picture below, is meant for a front wheel drive car, and curves over the transmission. The dipstick tube on my old one is shorter, and accessible from the back.
I installed new axle seals and a filter in the "new" transmission. The "new" transmission is very clean inside, so I'm hoping it runs as good as it looks.