Yesterday I got the new switch and put it in. There are still problems, but I will live with them for now, as they do not affect the drive-ability of the car. It seams that the switch positions do not exactly correspond with the transmission lever detente positions. in park, the transmission should indicate "neutral" to whatever circuit the scanner is reading. If you put the transmission in park, and then press slightly forward on the lever on the transmission with your fingers, it does indicate neutral on the scanner.
So I ordered a Helms manual for a 1995 Buick Park Avenue from Ebay. I will study the circuit, and perhaps add a momentary push button that is pressed by the lever on the transmission when in park, wired to give the proper indication.
Currently, the scanner indicates "4th" with the console shift lever set to Drive, "Neutral" in neutral, and if you pull the shift lever all the way backwards, it indicates "Low". I'm pretty sure that much is normal.