Can you see what has changed (besides the direction the car is facing)?
If you guessed that the front is lower, you're right. I didn't like that the rear fender was 3 fingers above the tire, while the front fender was 4 fingers above the tire. So I got some Rodney Dickman 1/2" lowering ball joints for the front. While I was doing that, I also replaced the steering rack boots. They were in pieces, so I cleaned and lubricated the rack and put new boots on (also from Rodney Dickman). I marked each tie rod and carefully counted the turns necessary to remove the ends, and after driving it, I think I got it back together right. But I should probably get an alignment anyway.
Rodney recommends tack welding his lowering ball joints, and I did it to mine with my el-cheapo Harbor Freight flux wire welder. I'm not going to show you pictures of the welds, because they're not pretty. But they'll hold. Years ago I welded a broken steel bed frame (day bed in a spare bedroom) with the same welder (also not pretty), and it has held up to several grand kid over-nights, and even one of my 200+ pound brothers sleeping on the bed.
BTW, while I had it apart, I descovered that the lower control arm bushings are poly. Not red poly but black, so not noticeable right away. Whoever put them in slathered a lot of grease on them, so they don't squeek.