Lucky you. If my mower runs out of fuel, and I just walk to the back of my house to get the fuel can, I'll get a citation for leaving the mower out. The gestapo gave me a citation for inappropriate storage of building materials when I replaced my front door. I had leaned the old door up against the front of the house for several hours. The job was done on a Saturday. They're right. City hell makes a good dump.
I'm just about to 1,000 citations. They never actually stop by to talk to me; rather, they cowardly send the citations through the mail. When I spoke to the person in charge, he indicated that he didn't want his officers assaulted. Awww. Now that I'm home more, I've taken to sitting on the front porch with my rifle and an aluminum bat. Whenever the gestapo show up, I head in their direction. I have a suspicion they'll get more scarce around here, because the police don't have the manpower to escort the gestapo.
I already have a citation for my grass. I told them without a picture showing that my grass is over 4", it's invalid. Of course, since they can't get close enough to measure, they won't get far. Meanwhile, thr code enforcement officer orders stuff for his yard from one of my clients. I had the place modify the gestapo's order, such that it's like concentrated miracle grow. So, the gestapo soaked his yard with undiluted, concentrated stuff that makes grass grow fast. Not sure how well it will work, but maybe now he'll have something productive to do.