Georgia Fieros is happy to post your ads and pictures of Fieros and related items for sale or wanted. If you are not currently a participant with the club, there will be a $15 per month advertising fee if you are selling. If you are wanting to buy, we will gladly post your want ad for free.
By participant, you must be either:
A dues paid member or a non-dues paid member who occasionally attends meetings and or events of the Georgia Fiero Club. Honorary lifetme members are exempt from these requirements.
We will post an ad written by you with up to 5 pictures. Each picture must not be larger than 100K, and the ad may not contain a 3rd party hosting link such as facebook or craigslist. The ad will remain for a minimum of 30 days at the discretion of Georgia Fieros and will only be removed prior to 30 days due to the item selling or for other causes.
To request your ad to be posted, email us at GeorgiaFieroClub@Gmail.Com PayPal payments should be made to