I must be doing this incorrectly. The temp gauge in my Fiero has been reading constant, ever since I got my Fiero back. Basically, the gauge reads below the lowest line, until you turn the key, at which point it reads about 1/4, until the key is turned off. Engine temp has no impact. Today, I got out the MVM, set it to 29K ohms, put the common lead in the common hole, and the positive lead in the ohms hole. It read 1. Then I tapped the lead ends together, and it zeroed the meter. So far, so good.
I pulled the temp gauge connector, and tested with the meter by putting one lead on each pin. The meter stayed at 1, except briefly, when I may have tapped the leads together. This is a 2-year-old sensor.
No worries. I got a new temp gauge sensor. Same result.
What am I doing wrong?