Then I moved onto the interior where there was a lot of heat exposure to the vinyl that needed to be addressed.
I removed the center console and the passenger seat so far. I have started and almost completed re-attaching the vinyl to the plastic around the console and it's pieces.
I duct taped up the hole in the seat to keep it from getting worse. I'm not a fan of Duct tape but it works in this case until I can get covers
Here is the door jam I cleaned up
Here is the what it looked like before I cleaned it up
The interior before I took it apart
As you can see here, the PO had super glued some crap speakers onto the top of the radio/AC controls that were rediculous
I took it all apart and started cleaning with Purple Magic and paper towels. It was a hot mess and NASTY under all that plastic
Did some skeliton repairs
Ended up cracking the center console door
This hidious speaker install
Center console cleaned up
I am starting to get to the end of the glueing and clamping of the interior. It is turning out a lot better than I thought it would.
I don't remember where I saw the idea to use Gorilla Glue and those Office Style paper clamps but whom ever thought of it was a genious and I don't wanna take their credit for that.
It's really doing well to bring all that vinyl back into place, with maybe the exception of the Console door that is giving me a head ache pulling that vinyl around again.
I also need to find out where to find the door glass seal. Both mine are trashed