So gentlemen, any updates on this?
I happen to be in front of my computer working on the photos right now. I've had countless computer problems.
Fierofool says he wants the calendar done Right vs. Right Away, but I will try to do both before Mrs. GTB and I hit the High Seas this Friday. If I don't get it done, I even plan to take the unfinished matls along on a thumbdrive and if I can track down a computer with Photoshop on-board, I will attempt finish them in-between my many, many planned siestas.
Tha Driver has done an heroic effort, but has Paint Shop Pro to work with vs. Photoshop, and just can't do the minute-level polishing up that I would like to see, so as soon as I get those done, the cover, and the captions... off to the printer it will go!
Even if the calendar doesn't get finalized before we leave, it still can't get printed until just before the Jan 14 mtg anyway.
So, when the Mrs. and I return, it WILL get finalized one way or another!
I must say, just to taunt you, it does look absolutely stunning so far!
Best wishes to everyone for a safe and enjoyable Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
Fiero GTB