Under this administration, we are slowly loosing our privacy and freedom. We are destined to loose our sovereignty as they seek to meld us in with the EU and the United Nations as One World Nation. One step was bringing the United Nations in as observers of our Presidential election. Another is the current push to ban guns, based on the recommendations of the United Nations.
We as a People elect Representatives to Congress to do the will of the people. The current administration bypasses that process with Executive Orders, forcing us to buy products we don't want (health care) and penalizing us or imprisoning us if we don't. Passing executive orders on firearms, which will eventually remove our ability to resist an overly zealous government.
They are slowly chipping away at the US Constitution. As they circumvent laws based on the wishes of the majority, precedents will be set so that future abolishing of the bill of rights will be easily done. The Democratic Party is ruling on the premise that we are a Democracy. Run by the majority. In fact, we are a Republic, run by the rule of law. Laws have been routinely ignored and the will of the majority, by the way which are usually on the government payroll through entitlement handouts, becomes the excuse and reasoning to justify their actions.
While we hear so much about the millionaires and billionaires and their greed, I might ask, who provides the jobs that we so desperately need? Not those persons who pace the floor anxiously awaiting their next government check because they didn't get an education, didn't apply themselves at their work place, doped themselves up on drugs to the point they can no longer function socially, or dropped a baby every 9 months from a different Baby Daddy.
We have passed the point that those on the take from the government exceed the number of those who pay the taxes that provide the entitlement checks the takers receive. Remember, the government produces no service or product that generates an income for the government. The government only takes from those that have and gives to those who want. How much are you willing to give to those who want? At a point, Makers will decide enough is enough while the Takers are still wanting more and more. That's the point we will likely go into another civil war. Even if it's only with Axe Handles, Scythes and Sicles.