Just double checking that you got my stuff and does it fit in?
Yes, we got your photos and I thought I replied that most were unusable (out of focus), but there was one really great shot, which I started to Photoshop.
Then, as John Lennon said, "Man,
life is what happens while you're busy making other plans..." and my work and personal life went crazy, so I turned everything over to the very capable hands of ImThaDriver, who has been burning out mouse batteries at an unprecedented rate trying to get everything finished.
Now, I must tell you, this has all been done on a first-come, first-served basis, so officially you are still 'wait-listed' behind a couple of other members, but some others are still up in the air, so there is still a chance your pic will be included.
So, can I give you firm, definite, absolute 'maybe' for now?